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F/A-18C Fighter Jet breaking the sound barrier at 750 MPH.

IMAGE/VIDEO EXAMPLES                                                                  10 December 2023

  • Click on "Original and Processed" to see example image or video.  Images are typically arranged with the original image on the left and the enhanced or processed image on the right.
  • All examples are legitimate "Original" samples that were processed though our forensics lab to generate each corresponding "Processed" example. 
  • Note: to facilitate faster download and viewing times, examples may be compressed versions of the originals.
  • Since every recording situation is different, your results may vary.

To date we have processed over 134,690 separate digital images/photographs' enhancements and authentications for our clients.


To date we have processed over 150 video enhancements and authentications for our clients.


To date we have processed over 27,400 Magnetic Development Images for our clients.

We are the first to develop a practical non-evasive Magneto-Optical Imaging System for magnetic development/imaging of tape recordings.

  • Phone: 1-303-805-5301
  • Email: Contact Form
  • Fax: 1-303-841-7386
  • Located in Parker, CO 80134 (Southeast Denver)
  • Please contact us if you have any questions or need additional information.  Thank you for your consideration.

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Celebrating 37 years as a Colorado Corporation serving clients around the world.
Providing forensic services since 2004, research since 1986.

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